This rule is intended to be run manually against messages and conversations in your inbox. Select a message or conversation thread, and execute the rule manually.
File By Moving
Your selected message or conversation will be filed to the selected Destination folder.
Destination Folder
The destination to folder will be suggested automatically based on your folder naming patterns and other algorithms. It may be blank initially, but should start to show suggestions as you build more rules.
File by Suggesting/Prompting
You will be interactively prompted to choose the filing folder. Auto-suggested folders will be displayed, or you can choose any destination folder.
Delete Messages
Your selected message or conversation will be deleted.
Act on Entire Conversation
This checkbox controls whether the rule acts on just the selected message, or the selected conversation.
Browse Folders Button
Opens the Outlook Folder browser dialog. You can choose any folder that is currently visible in your Outlook folder tree.
Cancel Button
Closes the window
Create Rule Button
Creates the rule