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Getting Organized

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Auto-Mate is very flexible to adapt to the way you want to organize your email. You can get a head start on organizing your folders by using Auto-Mate's Setup Rules & Folders feature or you may already have a working structure for organizing your folders.

You can easily control how many messages remain in your Inbox from day to day. Some users prefer to start with an empty Inbox every day while other users may wish to keep a week's worth of messages in their Inbox at all times. It also depends on the quantity of email messages that one receives on a daily basis.


Anti-SPAM Software and Outlook's Junk Mail Feature

Auto-Mate is not meant to identify and remove SPAM email, but it does work seamlessly with these programs to create an overall solution to organize your email and allow you to focus your important email versus unsolicited messages which you did not request.

Pergenex Software suggests taking advantage of Anti-SPAM software and using Auto-Mate to organize your important messages.






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